
Time Rich

Important Notes and Frequently Asked Questions for App Usage

About Important Notes and Frequently Asked Questions for App Usage

Table of Contents

  • Important Notes for App Usage
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Q: The analysis by AI has failed. Can I rerun it?

Published: 16 July, 2024

Important Notes for App Usage

  • This app stores diary data only on the user's device and iCloud, and does not save it on any server.
  • Diary entries and other data are automatically synced to iCloud. However, please note that if you unlink this feature from "Settings" after writing a diary entry, there is a possibility of data loss.
  • Diary submissions are limited to one per day.
  • All AI outputs related to the diary are automatically generated by generative AI (Google's Gemini). While we strive to provide thoughtful prompts, please understand that we cannot be held responsible if the generative AI produces inappropriate outputs.

Frequently asked questions

Q: The analysis by AI has failed. Can I rerun it?

Due to communication issues, there may be instances where the analysis fails. Please save the entry as it is, and then navigate to the diary reading page from the timeline. If the AI analysis is not complete, the "Send to Pal" button will be displayed. Please click that button.

Toshimitsu Kugimoto

Software Engineer

After graduating from Chiba University with a master's degree in Computer Science, I worked at a major IT company developing various software solutions related to payments, finance, government, and public information. Through various experiences in both my professional and personal life, I have come to realize the importance of mental health. This realization has driven me to develop apps aimed at improving mental health and other aspects of everyday life, including this app. I am also a father of two.

Hiromasa Koide


I work in marketing at a medical startup. I am originally from Gifu Prefecture. Realizing how mental health impacts behavior, I have focused on mental health services. My career history includes working at Yahoo Japan Corporation, running my own advertising business, and now working at a medical startup. Currently, I live in Sakae Town, Chiba, having previously lived in Chofu, Yokosuka, and Zushi.